Simon Jet
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Simon Jet, a Ranger and Slayer.
This page is about Simon Jet, a human ranger. As a brief description, he's about 6 foot tall, medium weight, brown short hair and nothing too much out of usually in physical features. His usually appearance is a chainmail long sleeve shirt with a green tunic over it, dark pants and shoes(nothing exciting). He's weapon of choice is a enchanted two-handed sword named Pyra, he is never seen without of it. Even though he can use any weapon he picks up. Now onto his storyline... still in the making.

Soon to be Simon Jet
I'm in the works of getting a picture to Simon and put it here.
  A Ranger of Huge Hatred.
Simon Jet

A Hatred Thickens
Soon to be done but not too soon

The Rage Goes On.
Not close to being done

Soon to be Simon Jet
If you read the first one, you get the picture... or lack of one.

Soon to be Simon Jet

For More on Character go to the RPG forum.